Equine Communication Clinics & Sessions
There’s a different kind of Horse clinic held around the world. A clinic where the horses teach us and show us what else is possible, they teach us that choice is easy, that judgement does not have to exist, to trust yourself and what you know. We learn how to be present in our lives and that we can create exactly what we desire. We see horses change and become the horses they’re meant to be and people who they’re meant to be without the projections and expectations forced onto them. We learn how to energetically speak to our horses, bodies and the earth. We also learn over 20 different energetic healing body processes. You do not have to be a “horse person” to know the contribution horses can be to you, this clinic is for everyone that has ever been drawn to horses in any lifetime. A horse clinic that includes you in the process and possibilities.
Are the horses calling you?
A Horse clinic that gives you the possibility of creating an 'Avatar' communion with horses and ride them from a place of being one with them
This is a class for those of
- you who just like horses
- you who have a horse
- you who are afraid of horses
and also for you who seek insight and adventure.
You do not have to own a horse to attend this clinic.
A great chance to achieve total communion with your horse. Learn to communicate with the horses, to help them if they have challenges, to increase their well-being and ease their pain -achieve everything you have dreamed of with horses.
THE clinic for horse lovers and everyone who would like more connection with horses.Combines stunning and unique outlooks on communicating with horses, to improve the performance of both horse and rider. Included are instructions in applying hands-on techniques. Is your horse having difficulty and not responding to conventional treatment or techniques? This can really give you a different outlook on what else is possible! Both horse and rider are being worked on, which has facilitated remarkable change in many areas. Develop a deeper connection with the animals, the ability to talk to, and hear them, and to facilitate a different possibility.
We will build our ability to have clear and direct communication with the horse and thereby get to know what is causing behavior or pain/illness and to achieve total communion with the horse.
Building our energetic communication skills will ease the way we communicate with everyone around us - making our lives easier and joyful - and the horse class is a huge catalyst for this.
This might change your life.
This is a dynamic, leading edge Clinic inviting you to a totally different way of “being with” and “working with” horses. Horsemanship that includes BOTH horse and rider ~ every step of the way!
Utilizing the “Language of the Horse” and the pragmatic tools and techniques , we inspire horse and rider to create a Partnership founded in a conscious connection, that few know is even possible as horsemanship!
No matter what the state of your current partnership with your horse, no matter what obstacles rider or horse perceives they have to overcome, this class is the invitation to change that and so much more!
Cost of Services
2 DAY Clinic Cost $650.00. Interested in bringing this Amazing Clinic to your area?
Host Armina for a Clinic invite all your friends and their horses and enjoy the benefits of Being the Host. Contact me for More Information 306-228-7724
One on One Sessions - 1 Hour Session with your Horse $150.00
Three Sessions Package; Three One Hour Sessions with your Horse $400.00
Horse & Owner One on One Package; $215.00 - Includes one Access Bars Session for Owner and one hour session working with your horse.
Three Sessions Package; 3 Horse & Owner One on One Sessions $575.00 - Includes three Access Bars Sessions for Owner and Three one hour sessions working with your horse.
Therapeutic Horse and YOU Sessions 1 Hour of relearning how to BE you, to create a life with Joy, Ease and Peacefulness, releasing fears, receiving from horses $125.00
Interested in Hosting this amazing Clinic in Your Area?
Host Armina for a Equine Communication Clinic invite all your friends and their horses and enjoy the benefits of Being the Host. Contact me for More Information 306-228-7724